Rolling Brook is a fictional small town nestled in the hills west of Chicago, Illinois. The series features the Redland family and details the dangerous situations they find themselves in for love. The first book tells the story of the oldest brother, Jake who owns Whiteford Farm. In the second book readers get to know Jake's brother Dillon who is a cop in Rolling Brook. His twin sister Daisy, the quintessential small-town girl stars in the third book and completes the original trilogy. The fourth book stars, Luther, a cop we meet in the first book, and the fifth book follows a detective that is introduced in the third book. This completes the series.
Blaze of Glory is a wildland firefighter romance featuring a cocky hero, forced proximity, and enemies to lovers. Available in Kindle Unlimited.
Undercover Santa is a fast-paced, small-town romantic suspense novella featuring a protector hero, forced proximity, and insta-love. Available wide as an ebook for only 0.99!
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